Deuteronomy 30:9-14
Ordinary C33
9 and the LordA your GodB will make you abundantly prosperousC in allD your undertakings,E
in the fruitF of your body,G in the fruit of your livestock,H and in the fruit of your soil.I
For the Lord will againJ take delightK in prosperingL you, just as he delighted in prospering your ancestors,M
10 when you obeyN the Lord your God by observingO his commandmentsP and decreesQ that are writtenR
in this bookS of the law,T because you turnU to the Lord your God with all your heartV and with all your soul.W
11 “Surely, this commandment that I am commandingX you todayY is not too hardZ for you, nor is it too far away.AA
12 It is not in heaven,BB that you should say, ‘Who will go upCC to heaven for us and getDD it for us so that we may hearEE it and observeFF it?’
13 Neither is it beyondGG the sea,HH that you should say, ‘Who will crossII to the other sideJJ of the sea for us and get it for us so that we may hear it and observeKK it?’
14 No, the wordLL is veryMM nearNN to you; it is in your mouthOO and in your heart for you to observe.PP
Image credit: “The Sea IV” by Ingo Kühl, 2012.