Psalm 113
Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth ABC
1 PraiseA the Lord!B
Praise, O servantsC of the Lord;D
praise the nameE of the Lord.F
2 BlessedG beH the name of the Lord
from this time on and forevermore.I
3 From the risingJ of the sunK to its settingL
the name of the LordM is to be praised.
4 The LordN is highO above all nations,P
and his gloryQ above the heavens.R
5 Who is like the LordS our God,T
who is seatedU on high,V
6 who looksW far downX
on the heavens and the earth?Y
7 He raisesZ the poorAA from the dust,BB
and liftsCC the needyDD from the ash heap,EE
8 to make them sit with princes,FF
with the princes of his people.GG
9 He givesHH the barren womanII a home,JJ
making her the joyousKK motherLL of children.MM
Praise the Lord!NN
Image credit: “Motherhood” by Nelly Romeo Alves in Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Eurico Zimbres.