An Advent Candle Lighting Song

Tune: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN, Melchior Teschner, 1614 
Lyrics by Rev. Elana Keppel Levy, 2019

1. O Lord, we seek the stillness that comes from trust in you.
When evil howls around us, we long for hope anew.
Let’s journey to that mountain where nations meet as friends.
We’ll change all of our weapons to tools that make amends. 

2. O Lord, we seek the wisdom found in your holy word.
We find a peaceful kingdom, so peaceful it’s absurd!
The wolf and lamb together, the cow and bear shall graze.
Our God who so transforms them, shines through our broken days. 

3. O Lord, we seek the fullness of wonders from your hand:
The desert flowers blooming, the weak who now can stand.
Your people scarred by exile, you set them homeward bound.
God, let us join their singing! Let joy and praise resound! 

4. O Lord, we seek discernment to follow you aright.
We look for signs to guide us, but struggle for insight.
We see that God is with us in our Immanuel.
God’s love fills all creation, and so all shall be well. 

5. O Lord, we seek the splendor of your warm light of grace.
The darkness will not triumph, to us you turn your face.
We bless the holy child, our counselor, Prince of Peace,
The light of Justice shining: let righteousness increase.

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