An Advent Candle Lighting Song
Tune: W Żłobie Leży, a Polish folk melody – the same as “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”
Lyrics by Rev. Elana Keppel Levy, 2021
1. [Hope] Candles glowing, promise showing the great hope that calms our fear.
Darkness scatters, worry shatters, Christ will always draw us near.
Calms our sighing, hears our crying, helps our trying, love undying –
Christ will always draw us near! Christ will always draw us near!
2. [Peace] Candles glowing, promise showing holy peace so still and bright.
New tomorrow, free from sorrow – living in Christ’s holy light.
Shunning violence, loving neighbor, joy of silence, trust our savior –
Living in Christ’s holy light! Living in Christ’s holy light!
3. [Joy] Candles glowing, promise showing joy that fills our very soul.
Grace abounding, hymns resounding, Christ restores and makes us whole.
Mercies gleaming, wonders beaming, justice streaming, Christ redeeming –
Christ restores and makes us whole! Christ restores and makes us whole!
4. [Love] Candles glowing, promise showing love that makes the world anew.
Shines in glory, tells the story – Christ’s own love will see us through.
With the outcast and unwelcome, Christ is steadfast, brings us all home.
Christ’s own love will see us through! Christ’s own love will see us through!
5. [Christ] Candles glowing, promise showing Jesus born a baby small.
Hosts rejoicing, shepherds voicing – praising Christ the Lord of all.
God is with us, shout hosanna, raise a chorus, singing ever:
Praising Christ the Lord of all! Praising Christ the Lord of all!
[OR use one of the verses of “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” for the fifth verse]
Image credit: “Advent Wreath” by Dorothee, 2010.
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