Deuteronomy 29:10-15
A Women’s Lectionary – Seventh Sunday of Easter
10 “You stand assembledA today,B allC of you, beforeD the LordE your GodF—
the leadersG of your tribes,H your elders,I and your officials,J all the menK of Israel,L
11 your children,M your women,N and the aliensO who are inP your camp,Q
both those who cutR your woodS and those who draw your waterT— 12 to enterU into the covenantV of the Lord your God,
sworn by an oath,W which the Lord your God is makingX with you today, 13 in order that he may establishY you today as his peopleZ and that he may beAA your God,
as he promisedBB you and as he sworeCC to your ancestors,DD to Abraham,EE to Isaac,FF
and to Jacob.GG 14 I am making this covenant, sworn by an oath, not onlyHH with you 15 who standII here with us today beforeJJ the Lord our God but also with those who are not here with us today.
Image credit: “Moses Delivering his Ten Commandments” by David Coulander, ca. 1950s.