Isaiah 66:10-13
A Women’s Lectionary Christmas at Dawn
10 RejoiceA with Jerusalem,B and be gladC for her,
allD you who loveE her;
rejoiceF with her in joy,G
all you who mournH over her—
11 that you may nurseI and be satisfiedJ
from her consolingK breast;L
that you may drink deeplyM with delightN
from her gloriousO bosom.P
12 For thus says the Lord:Q
RI will extendS prosperityT to her like a river,U
and the wealthV of the nationsW like an overflowingX stream;Y
and you shall nurse and be carriedZ on her arm,AA
and dandledBB on her knees.CC
13 As a motherDD comfortsEE her child,FF
soGG I will comfort you;
you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
Image credit: “Feeding, a Painted Mother” photo by Orin Zebest, 2007.