Matthew 24:36-44
First Sunday of Advent A
36 “But about that dayA and hourB no one knows,C neither the angelsD of heaven,E
nor the Son,F but onlyG the Father.H 37 For as the days of NoahI were, so will beJ
the comingK of the Son of Man.L 38 For as in the days before the floodM they were eatingN and drinking,O
marryingP and giving in marriage,Q until the day Noah enteredR the ark,S
39 and they knewT nothing until the flood cameU and sweptV them allW away, so, too, will be the coming of the Son of Man.
40 Then twoX will be in the field;Y oneZ will be taken,AA and one will be left.BB
41 Two women will be grindingCC mealDD together; one will be taken, and one will be left. 42 Keep awake,EE therefore, for you do not knowFF on what day your LordGG is coming.
43 But understandHH this: if the owner of the houseII had knownJJ in what part of the nightKK the thiefLL was coming,
he would have stayed awakeMM and would not have letNN his houseOO be broken into.PP
44 Therefore you also must beQQ ready,RR for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.SS
Image credit: “Awakened Climber, Chile” by Donatun, 2019.