Psalm 71:1-14
Tuesday of Holy Week ABC
1 In you, O Lord,I I take refuge;II
let me neverIII be put to shame.IV
2 In your righteousnessV deliverVI me and rescueVII me;
inclineVIII your earIX to me and saveX me.
3 BeXI to me a rockXII of refuge,XIII, XIV
a strong fortress, to save me,
for you are my rockXV and my fortress.XVI
4 Rescue me, O my God,XVII from the handXVIII of the wicked,XIX
from the graspXX of the unjustXXI and cruel.XXII
5 For you, O Lord,XXIII are my hope,XXIV
my trust,XXV O Lord,XXVI from my youth.XXVII
6 Upon you I have leanedXXVIII from my birth;XXIX
it was you who tookXXX me from my mother’sXXXI womb.XXXII
My praiseXXXIII is continuallyXXXIV of you.
7 I have been like a portentXXXV to many,XXXVI
but you are my strongXXXVII refuge.XXXVIII
8 My mouthXXXIX is filledXL with your praise,
and with your gloryXLI all dayXLII long.
9 Do not cast me offXLIII in the timeXLIV of old age;XLV
do not forsakeXLVI me when my strengthXLVII is spent.XLVIII
10 For my enemiesXLIX speak concerning me,
and those who watchL for my lifeLI consultLII together.LIII
11 They say, “PursueLIV and seizeLV that person
whom God has forsaken,
for there is no one to deliver.”
12 O God, do not be farLVI from me;
O my God, make hasteLVII to helpLVIII me!
13 Let my accusersLIX be put to shame and consumed;
let those who seekLX to hurt meLXI
be coveredLXII with scornLXIII and disgrace.LXIV
14 But I will hopeLXV continually,
and will praise you yet more and more.LXVI
Image credit: “Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Grandfather and grandson of Japanese ancestry at this War Relocation Authority center” by Dorothea Lange of the Department of the Interior. War Relocation Authority, 1942.