Psalm 78:1-7
A Women’s Lectionary 2
A MaskilI of Asaph.II
1 Give ear,III O my people,IV to my teaching;V
inclineVI your earsVII to the wordsVIII of my mouth.IX
2 I will openX my mouth in a parable;XI
I will utterXII dark sayingsXIII from of old,XIV
3 things that we have heardXV and known,XVI
that our ancestorsXVII have toldXVIII us.
4 We will not hideXIX them from their children;XX
we will tell to the comingXXI generationXXII
the glorious deedsXXIII of the Lord,XXIV and his might,XXV
and the wondersXXVI that he has done.XXVII
5 He establishedXXVIII a decreeXXIX in Jacob,XXX
and appointedXXXI a lawXXXII in Israel,XXXIII
which he commandedXXXIV our ancestors
to teachXXXV to their children;
6 that the nextXXXVI generation might know them,
the children yet unborn,XXXVII
and rise upXXXVIII and tell them to their children,
7 so that they should setXXXIX their hopeXL in God,XLI
and not forgetXLII the worksXLIII of God,XLIV
but keepXLV his commandments;XLVI
Image credit: “Moses Aharon Sea” – “Still from the 2018 animated feature film Seder-Masochism by Nina Paley”.