Daniel 3:52-60 (LXX)
Easter Vigil – A Women’s Lectionary
Text (Daniel Theodotion): https://ebible.org/web/DAG03.htm
Greek Interlinear: https://en.katabiblon.com/us/index.php?text=LXX&book=DnTh&ch=3&reader=Max
52 “BlessedA are you, O Lord, you GodB of our fathers,C
to be praisedD and exalted above allE forever!F
53 Blessed isG your gloriousH and holyI name,J to be praisedK and exalted above all forever!
54 Blessed are you in the templeL of your holy glory, to be praisedM and glorified above allN forever!
55 Blessed are you who seeO the depthsP and sitQ upon the cherubim,R to be praisedS and exalted above all forever.
56 Blessed are you on the throneT of your kingdom,U to be praisedV and extolled above allW forever!
57 Blessed are you in the firmamentX of heaven,Y to be praisedZ and glorifiedAA forever!
58 O allBB you worksCC of the Lord,DD bless the Lord! PraiseEE and exalt him above all forever! 59 O you heavens, bless the Lord! PraiseFF and exalt him above all for ever! 60 O you angelsGG of the Lord, bless the Lord! PraiseHH and exalt him above all forever!
Note: This passage comes from the apocrypha so I was not able to use my regular interlinear website. Some of this annotation amounts to guesswork and uses many other sources. However, most of it is still based on Strong’s concordance.
Image credit: “Sun Pillar” by Barbara Howard, 1993.