Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14 & 2:18-23
Ordinary C36
1:2 VanityA of vanities, says the Teacher,B
vanity of vanities! AllC is vanity.
12 I, the Teacher, wasD kingE over IsraelF in Jerusalem.G
13 I appliedH my mindI to seekJ and to search outK by wisdomL
all that is doneM underN heaven;O it is an unhappyP businessQ
that GodR has givenS to humansT to be busyU with.
14 I sawV all the deedsW that are done under the sun,X
and see,Y all is vanity and a chasing afterZ wind.AA
2:18 I hatedBB all my toilCC in which I had toiledDD under the sun, seeing that I must leaveEE it to my successor,FF
19 and who knowsGG whether he will be wiseHH or foolish?II Yet he will be masterJJ of allKK for which I toiledLL and used my wisdomMM under the sun. This also is vanity.
20 So I turnedNN and gave my heartOO up to despairPP concerning all the toil of my laborsQQ under the sun, 21 because sometimes oneRR who has toiled with wisdom and knowledgeSS and skillTT
must leaveUU allVV to be enjoyed by anotherWW who did not toil for it. This also is vanity and a greatXX evil.YY
22 What do mortalsZZ getAAA from allBBB the toil and strainCCC, DDD with which they toil under the sun?
23 For allEEE their daysFFF are full of pain,GGG and their workHHH is a vexation;III even at nightJJJ their minds do not rest.KKK This also is vanity.
Image credit: “All Dried Up” by Anthony Vicente, 2011.