Isaiah 25:6-9
Easter A
Easter Evening – A Women’s Lectionary
6 On this mountainA the LordB of hostsC will makeD for allE peoplesF
a feastG of rich food,H a feast of well-aged wines,I
of rich food filled with marrow,J of well-aged wines strained clear.K
7 And he will destroyL on this mountain
the shroudM that is castN over all peoples,
the coveringO that is spreadP over all nations;Q
8 he will swallow upR deathS forever.T
Then the LordU GodV will wipe awayW the tearsX from all faces,Y
and the disgraceZ of his people he will take awayAA from all the earth,BB
for the LordCC has spoken.DD
9 It will be said on that day,EE
“See,FF this is our God;GG we have waitedHH for him, so that he might saveII us.
This is the LordJJ for whom we have waited;
let us be gladKK and rejoiceLL in his salvation.”MM
Image credit: “The Melody of Jerusalem” by Elisha Ben Yitzhak, 2012