Genesis 12:1-4a
Second Sunday in Lent A
1 Now the LordA said to Abram,B “GoC from your countryD
and your kindredE and your father’sF houseG to the landH that I will showI you.
2 I will makeJ of you a greatK nation,L and I will blessM you,
and make your nameN great,O so that you will beP a blessing.Q
3 I will bless those who bless you, and the one who cursesR you I will curse;S and in you all the familiesT of the earthU shall be blessed.”
4 So Abram went, as the Lord had toldV him; and LotW went with him. Abram was seventyX-five years oldY when he departedZ from Haran.AA
Image credit: “Stories from Genesis: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” by Oleg Volodin of Wycliffe Russia.