Psalm 130:5-8 & Psalm 131:1-3
Trinity Sunday – A Women’s Lectionary
130:5 I wait forA the Lord;B my soulC waits,
and in his wordD I hope;E
6 my soul waits for the LordF
more than those who watchG for the morning,H
more than those who watch for the morning.
7 O Israel,I hope in the Lord!J
For with the LordK there is steadfast love,L
and with him is greatM power to redeem.N
8 It is he who will redeemO Israel
from allP its iniquities.Q
A SongR of Ascents.S Of David.T
131:1 O Lord,U my heartV is not lifted up;W
my eyesX are not raised too high;Y
I do not occupyZ myself with things
too greatAA and too marvelousBB for me.
2 But I have calmedCC and quietedDD my soul,
like a weaned childEE with its mother;FF
my soul is like the weaned child that is with me.
3 O Israel, hope in the LordGG
from this timeHH on and forevermore.II
Image credit: “Humility” by Catherine Kinsey, 2011.