Exodus 20:1-17
“remember the sabbath day and keep it holy”
Third Sunday in Lent B
March 3, 2024
“remember the sabbath day and keep it holy”
Third Sunday in Lent B
March 3, 2024
“you shall have no other gods before me”
Proper 22A
October 8, 2023
“Moses went up to God; the Lord called to him from the mountain”
Narrative Lectionary 105
October 9, 2022
“you shall not covet”
Narrative Lectionary
July 3, 2022
“you shall not murder”
Narrative Lectionary
June 26, 2022
“remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy”
Narrative Lectionary
June 19, 2022
“the Lord called to him from the mountain”
Narrative Lectionary
June 12, 2022
“remember the sabbath day and keep it holy”
“remember the sabbath day and keep it holy”
Lent B15
March 7, 2021
“you shall have no other gods before me”
Ordinary A45
October 4, 2020