2 Corinthians 6:1-13

“on a day of salvation I have helped you”
Proper 7B
June 23, 2024

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2 Corinthians 12

“I know that such a person-whether in the body or out of the body…was caught up into paradise”

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2 Corinthians 11

“I promised you in marriage to one husband, to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ”

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2 Corinthians 10

“I myself, Paul, appeal to you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ”

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2 Corinthians 8

“their abundant joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part”

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2 Corinthians 7

“since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves”

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2 Corinthians 6

“on a day of salvation I have helped you”

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2 Corinthians 1

“just as the sufferings of Christ are abundant for us, so also our consolation is abundant through Christ”

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