Psalm 139:7-14
Pentecost Vigil – A Women’s Lectionary
7 Where can I goA from your spirit?B
Or where can I fleeC from your presence?D
8 If I ascendE to heaven,F you are there;
if I make my bedG in Sheol,H, I you are there.
9 If I takeJ the wingsK of the morningL
and settleM at the farthest limitsN of the sea,O
10 even there your handP shall leadQ me,
and your right handR shall holdS me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darknessT shall coverU me,
and nightV wrapsW itself around me,”
12 even the darkness is not darkX to you;
the night is as brightY as the day,Z
for darknessAA is as lightBB to you.
13 For it was you who formedCC my inward parts;DD
you knit me togetherEE in my mother’sFF womb.GG
14 I praiseHH you, for I am fearfullyII and wonderfully made.JJ
WonderfulKK are your works;LL
that IMM knowNN very well.OO
Image credit: “Artist’s impression of a galaxy forming stars within powerful outflows of material blasted out from supermassive black holes at its core. Results from ESO’s Very Large Telescope are the first confirmed observations of stars forming in this kind of extreme environment. The discovery has many consequences for understanding galaxy properties and evolution.” by M. Kornmesser of the European Southern Observatory, 2017.