1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany C
1 Now I want you to understand,I brothersII and sisters, the good newsIII
that I proclaimedIV to you, which you in turn received,V in which also you stand,VI
2 through which also you are being saved,VII if you hold firmlyVIII to the messageIX that I proclaimed to you—
unless you have come to believeX in vain.XI
3 For I handed onXII to you as of first importanceXIII
what I in turn had received: that ChristXIV diedXV for our sinsXVI in accordance with the scripturesXVII
4 and that he was buriedXVIII and that he was raisedXIX on the thirdXX dayXXI in accordance with the scriptures
5 and that he appearedXXII to Cephas,XXIII then to the twelve.XXIV 6 Then he appeared to more than five hundredXXV brothers and sisters at one time,XXVI
mostXXVII of whom are still alive,XXVIII though some have died.XXIX
7 Then he appeared to James,XXX then to allXXXI the apostles.XXXII
8 LastXXXIII of all, as to one untimely born,XXXIV he appeared also to me. 9 For I amXXXV the leastXXXVI of the apostles, XXXVII
unfitXXXVIII to be calledXXXIX an apostle, because I persecutedXL the churchXLI of God.XLII
10 But by the graceXLIII of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not beenXLIV in vain.XLV
On the contrary, I workedXLVI harderXLVII than anyXLVIII of them, though it was not I but the grace of God that is with me. 11 Whether then it was I or they, so we proclaimXLIX and so you believed.
Image credit: “The Face of Christ” by Sziklay Sándor, 2018.